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Your Divine Gifts

ABOUT OUR GUEST: Sherman Morrison is a freelance writer and editor who is publishing his first novel, When Willows Weep. He wouldn't normally have the time to write a novel, but the global pandemic brought a halt to his other passion performing in live theatre. Sherman has also become a lay preacher at the church he attends, the United Church of Christ in Keene, New Hampshire, where he has lived for the past 25 years. When Willows Weep is a young adult fantasy novel about a twelve-year-old girl in the sixth grade who finds herself in the middle of an epic battle between good and evil. Using her three divine gifts of Sight, Light, and Fight, she must help defeat demonic forces threatening to destroy all that is good. Morrison wrote this book because he wanted to explore interesting intersections such as compassion and combat, faith and fantasy, ecology and education, redemption and rejection, all set in modern times with fantasy elements layered in. His hope is that, in reading this book, you will not only be entertained by the story, but also grapple with some of the questions it raises: Does everyone deserve redemption? How many chances do you give someone? What are the limits or boundaries of compassion? How would you react if you discovered you had special abilities and were expected to use them in an epic battle between good and evil? Willow is twelve years old, loves her parents, and enjoys attending the Elm City Waldorf School in the small city of Keene, New Hampshire. Soon after discovering she has the divine gift of Sight, she becomes aware of a whole world most people don’t know about—a very real battle between the forces of light and demonic forces of darkness. She also learns of others who have divine gifts, including the pastor of the church she attends and her Waldorf teacher Mr. Retsof. There is also Dr. Sosserie, who takes on the task of training Willow in how to use a second divine gift she’s found to possess: Fight. When a third divine gift of Light emerges, Willow must join forces with other gifted people to protect and defend her school, the city, and the otherwise unseen fae folk from the demon Gehenna and her vast horde of hellhounds. You will love this book if you enjoy fantasy novels in all their forms, but especially if you like fantasy set in modern times in the real world. When Willows Weep speaks to anyone who likes fantasy, those who are aligned with the Waldorf approach to education, and people of faith as well. How those all fit together in this story makes for a unique novel! Ultimately, Morrison hopes When Willows Weep inspires reflection and fruitful dialogue about questions such as the following:

  1. What does true compassion look like and does everyone deserve it?

  2. What role should education play in shaping the character of young people and care of the planet?

  3. Can free will and destiny coexist?

He looks forward to exploring these questions and beyond with his readers. He believes discussing these themes and exploring these questions will change us all for the better. WATCH HIS BOOK-PROMO VIDEO BELOW:

Fostering The Culture of Heaven

ABOUT OUR GUEST: Andy Burkett of Brookville House of Worship is our guest along with his wife, Tiffany and "co-heirs in the Lord", David and Nicole Balzer. Together, they are the founding members of Brookville House of Worship in Brookville, PA. Over the years, they've had a strong desire to see the Person, Jesus, and His love tangibly be felt in their small town in rural central Pennsylvania. They are excited for the manifestation of Jesus that radically saves people from death and brings them into life and they believe that Jesus brings transformation that can change an entire person, a household, a community, and a nation. Above all, is the believe this can be found by being present with His presence. At the Brookville House of Worship, people are allowing the culture of Heaven to erupt. This happens in praise, worship, prayer, teaching, preaching, and by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says “taste and see that the Lord is good”. This is who BHOW is as a gathering...the ones who commune in the goodness by tasting and seeing that the Lord is good. Come and check out what the Lord is doing and how The Burkett's and their brothers and sisters in Christ came about their mission, and launched their vision for the benefit of their whole community. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE BELOW:

To Learn More About Our Guest:

Check out this video from Brookville House of Worship, get to know our heart for our Lord Jesus.

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